OK so this weeks 'Texture Tuesday' challenge from Kim Klassen must include one of her textures and should be centred around the theme of happiness.
My entry this week is of a Rose my sister bought for my mum one mothers day. I have fond memories of these Roses because I had just got my first DSLR and I wanted to test it out.
As this was also one of the first times I had used anything other than a point and shoot I was a bit OTT with the water droplets - too eager and heavy handed.
In fact this poor Rose was drenched during my first attempts and had to survive much shaking to dry it out a bit - patience is a virtue I do not possess, no way was the Rose going to dry out naturally.
Happy times!
Edited in CS5 using 2 of Kim Klassens textures set to multiply and soft light and the opacitys adjusted.
Hard to see the textures I know but they are there - they looked more obvious in CS5 than they do here for some reason.
Linked to:
'Craft Junkie Too'
'The Shabby Nest'
'Its a hodgepodge life'
Your story of being OTT with the water droplets is fun. Lovely image!
Lovely, Lovely rose.
Such a beautiful rose. Actually, your textures have just the right touch. I like your OTT story. It's good to know I'm not the only one who gets a bit carried away when working for a good photograph.
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