
Sunday 20 November 2011

I will never make a bird photographer!
Today has been another gorgeous day here in the Highlands of Scotland. The wind that is usually an every day part of life has been non existant, the sky has been a glorious Blue and the temperature has kept a constant cool rather than cold.

While beavering away in my workshop shed this morning I decided that with views like this from my window
 misty morning, seascape, sooc
My view this morning!

I really shouldn't be stuck inside.
As I had all my cameras to hand for once I decided to pootle about and take some images of the garden.
This Pampas grass really took my eye because of the mist bank surrounding us

 pampas grass
Pampas Grass

Then I noticed a lone Rose clinging on to life despite the cruddy summer we've had:
rose, pink rose
A rose by any other name....only I don't remember the name of this one!

Then I had a super brain wave. yup, yup, yup!
I figured I could plot a seat up near my bird table and snap happy at the pretty birdies as they eat the goodies I put there - least they could let me do after religiously feeding them for years huh!
So that's what I did! I plotted up and sat there patiently with my camera.......
However, it took me a wee while to realise that in my rush to get a piccie of said birds I hadn't really considered my vantage point - I may have been a mere 4 ft away but I was directly below the table which happens to be about 10ft tall so the only view I got was of gwana as they shot away! Luvly!!
So I then decided it would be a better idea to put some seed mix on a post that was only a few feet tall and a few feet away, so that's what I did.
Then I sat there and waited....
All of a sudden there were birds everywhere, score!
Immediately they were interested so I prepared to snap away. At this point I realised a huge mistake. Note to self: Next time I put seed out for piccie advantages PUT THE SEED ON ONE POST ONLY! Yep for some stupid reason I decided to put it on 2 posts WTH!
I can categorically say it is impossible to predict which post the birds will choose. It's also impossible to zone in on the right one, focus and snap the picture before the bird has had its fill and legged it! Try it!
So nasty old me chucked the seed from one stump and waited at the second.
I got the shots, oh yea! Plenty of em too! Just none of em any good, in fact most were of the bird as it flew away.
here's a couple that are at least half focused though:

 blue tit, garden bird, caithness birds
Blue Tit

 great tit, garden birds, caithness birds
Coal Tit

So there you have it! My lovely day spent roaming my garden and snapping what I see - been a long time coming!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!

Linked to:

'Studio Waterstone'
'Funkyjunk Interiors'
'Simplicity - my life in pictures'


  1. Lovely pictures, Linda, well worth all the hassle! Apparently you had a nice day in the garden! We had a thick fog all the day...

  2. Oh yay! How satisfiying was that - they are adorable!

  3. oh my what cute little birds....what great photos

  4. Coming from Alaska, today - definitely would want to be outside with the day you have. What absolutely stunning photos; wonderful composition. I enjoyed them all. thank you, kareninkenai (from iheart macro)

  5. I love birds, I've created my garden to support their habitat. I love watching them in the yard, and the life they bring to it. I don't believe I've ever seen either tit. I'm in IL so maybe their not here. The coal tit does remind me of a chickadee. Nice pictures of these two. Wishing you a Happy thanksgiving. Thanks so much for sharing at Sunday's Best!

  6. Beautiful photos. The view from your workshop is incredible!!

  7. oh glorious bird photos; sweet birds they are too

  8. Such beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best =)

  9. Can I have your permission to use your photo of pampas grass as an element in one of my art quilts?
