
Tuesday 4 October 2011

My new shed/workshop

Here's a question for y'all. How come the more workshop space a man gets the more he needs? And why can they not keep their space tidy? In fact why, when it gets completely tidied and ordered for them do they then see the clear space as .... well... space for more crap tools?

My husband appears to suffer from this very affliction bless him!
I've been dilligently working away on a wardrobe for a few years months now and unfortunately due to its size I had to work on it toward the front of my dear husbands workshop. Not a problem I thought as his workshop is about 60ft long so plenty of space right? - Yeah right! In the tone of Chandler from 'Friends' (best show ever BTW) "could I BE any more wrong".

First off I had wanted to work in my old gym room as it was all boarded out and had at least a smidging of natural light, so I cleared it all out of my husbands junk tools (my gym has been re-routed to the house by a seemingly loving husband who actually just wanted to get his hands on even more space and liked the look of my gym!)and had a lovely large area to work in.
This then got taken over by the dogs - I kid you not! In went a leather sofa and a mattress for the dogs and out came my projects (there's no way any project is going to look good mingled with Great Dane slobber and yeti German Shepherd hair.)
So I happily gratefully worked away in hubbys pit workshop, at the front, where everyone congregates and where everyone has to attempt to traverse the ruddy tools, benches, chain saws, cutters, ride on mowers and big humpy boxes (you get the picture) lying all over the place. The result of this was that my lovingly painted projects were getting ruined each and everytime I worked on them and I was having to spend the first hour or so cleaning and sanding them down. (YES, I would do that anyway but Ssshhhhh, I'm moaning).

The final straw came the other day! I've put up with dog hair sticking to the paint, with dirt sticking to the paint because my 'area' was in front of the door and every gust of wind pebble dashed the wood with muck, the chickens that will happily follow me around squawking and bloomin jumping on everything and I even put up with the cat paw prints all over the piece as they slept inside it - Aaarrrgh!
BUT, when I recently moved a piece of something stuck inside the wardrobe floor and realised I was holding a MOUSE HEAD I have to say I kind of freaked out. As you do!
As I freaked out I stepped back and trod in the rest of the mouse!!!!! All body parts just littered over my work floor - bloody charming!

So after telling hubby straight that I can no longer work in these conditions - he was laughing his head off by this point - he got all patronising like and asked me where I thought I was going to move all my crap projects to?
My 'lightbulb moment' is kind of tinged with 'oh dear, really?' as the space I'd allotted myself looked like this

I can hear you laughing you know!

I know bad isn't it! This is my greenhouse/shed that was in daily use until hubby bought me a rather large polytunnel, however it's now redundant poor thing.
Yes, it's small but look at that light - woooooooooaaah. I've been working under artificial light for so long this is like heaven for me.
So I spent the day clearing out all the wibbly wobbly boards perfectly useable staging, fixed up a new area at the back to work on, added a couple of shelving units and hey presto we now have

Ta da!!

Okaaaay, so it's still not ideal BUT I can now work without Cats, Dogs, Chickens, flying mud and people - yay!
Plus, that floor is soft to kneel on. No more cold concrete for Linda, no sir, it's cold.........damp...........spongy.........floor all the way. Still, it's so soft!

OK so now I have that out of my system - breeeeathe Linda!
Thanks for popping by, thanks for listening to me vent, sorry it went on a tad (much like I'm still doing) and I promise there'll be relevant content up soon.

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