
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Edit Me - week 21

You know how last week I promised that I'd start taking proper notes on the steps I've taken to edit these images? Well I did start to - honestly! It's just that I made soooooo many mistakes and started over sooooooo many times that it was literally luck that I ended up with an image I liked.
I do remember the basic steps but that's pretty much it - again! Sorry!

Anyway without further adieu, this weeks image for edit is from Amy of 'Artistically Amy', check out her blog for more great images. Thank you Amy - love the picture and the blog!

Yet another lovely image and yet again I had no clue what to do with it for ages - my imagination appears to be decreasing as my age increases - what is with that!

Here's the SOOC

And here's my edit

Sooooo, the steps I took are along the lines of:
Opened the image in CS5 and created a copy layer. Then I cropped the image just slightly, went to the canvas size and added 1 inch to all sides to add a Black border.
Next I added a channel mix layer, increased the red to 150% and reduced the Green & blue to -24&. I then did the same to the Green channel (increased Green to 150% and reduced the others to -25%) and the same to the Blue channel.
This basically boosted the colours.
Next I went to layers - adjustment layer - levels and moved the slider until I got what I wanted (very technical huh).
Then I created yet another layer and created a brush border by basically playing with the brushes and messing.
Finally flatten the image and all done!

So if this edit interests you and you want to see others or even join in yourself then head on over to 'My Reflection of Something', try not to get sidetracked by all the cool stuff going on there and download the image - you never know what you can do till you give it a go!


  1. nice clean edit. REALLY love the framing!

  2. This is a lovely edit. I love the contrast. Thanks for your kind words!
