
Saturday 3 September 2011

Oooooh something completely new today

I've not been able to get on with my craft projects over the last couple of days, mainly because I've become addicted to reading blogs belonging to my friends on Blogfrog etc.
However, I came across an 'edit me' submission on 'My Reflection of Something' Blog and just had to give it a go because I loved the photograph so much.
The guest judge for this 'edit me' is Stephanie from 'Behind the camera and dreaming', so why not pop on over and take a look at some adorable, classy and downright fabulous work.
This is my first ever submission and from what I can gather the idea is to take the original photo and adapt it using Photo editing software in whatever way you feel.
So here's the original:

See what I mean about it being a gorgeous picture!

This is what I did to it

I struggled with this one, not just because it's my first, nor because it's a photo of someones else's child and I'm very aware that my interpretation may not be her parents' but mainly because I liked the original so much it seemed such a shame to alter it.

First I opened it in Photoshop CS2 and diddled with the exposure to make a base for the warmth I wanted to create.
Then I added a Warm filter to the image and adjusted the settings until I got the 'feeling' I was after - I wanted to create a warm, early evening feel.
I then added a Glass filter and adjusted the settings until I got the effect I have here, this took a suprisingly long time and found me also experimenting with a load of other filters.
Originally I wanted a pencil effect but I loved the Glass effect and seeing as the child is on sand - ironic!
In a separate layer I added the words 'Discovery in a grain of sand' as that is what the image says to me.

Voila! My 'edit me' submission.

The winner of week 16 'Edit me' is - drum roll - Deb from 'Debduty Photgraphy'. Well done!


  1. Love your blog! Hope you will come visit and follow me too :) Shauna from

  2. Have done! I love those zoobies lol, shame us 'adults' grow out of that kind of thing! lol.
    Ok maybe we don't.

    Have followed you and grabbed your button too.

  3. I am so glad you found our challenge! I love the bright colors in your edit, and what sweet words to add! Bravo for choosing to try comething creative!

  4. the words are the perfect touch. nicely framing that corner. wonderful edit!

  5. Branson, thank you for having these challenges. Such a shame I've only just found you but I have your link now. lol.
    I'll be back!

    Kathryn, thank you for your comments, I'm glad you liked it.

  6. I love your edit! The colors are nice and warm and the glass effect is very creative. Great job!
