
Lonestar Angel by Colleen Coble

Lonestar Angel is the story of Eden & Clay, a young married couple who believe their 6 week old baby perished during a botched ransom drop.
5 years later and Eden is learning to cope and is beginning a new life with a new man with the prospect of marriage on the table.
Enter Clay, the man she never divorced (though she thought she had) and a father who never gave up hope that their baby girl Brianna was still alive.
After receiving a photograph and a cryptic message claiming that his daughter is actually one of the girls in the photo, Clay convinces Eden that they need to take a trip to the orphanage, fill a vacancy position there and then work out which is their daughter.

Enter Edens mother & father and a whole adventure load of twists, turns and attempted murder on Edens life.
But who is trying to kill her and why?
And will Clay & Eden get back together for the sake of their child?

Lonestar Angel had me gripped from the start. It will have you second guessing (and getting it wrong probably) what's happening and why, just when you think you have it all figured out the story shifts and I guarantee you will have suspected almost every character by the end.
A book that will grip you and be difficult to put down and walk away from.
Can you figure which, if any, child is theirs??

Babylon's Falling by William G Collins

Babylon's falling tells the story of Daniel (Belteshazzar) and the trials and tribulations he experienced during and after the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and details Daniels inner fight to help the survival of his people by befriending and working with his captors while still holding onto and practising his own faith.

Although Babylon's Falling is historical fiction the reader does not need to have a prior knowledge or understanding of either Daniel or the Bible, it has strength as a stand alone story.
I personally found this book riveting from the first page and had me so hooked I really didn't want to put it down.

What I liked about it: Although Daniel is the main character it is not at the expense of the other characters - each characters relevance during various stages of Daniels life is well presented.
The authors description or reference to various areas of Babylonian cultures, traditions or even the 'Hanging Gardens' shows a great knowledge and understanding of the subject he writes about and this helps to make the book even more interesting to read.

What I didn't like about it: There were a few times when I found certain words or phrases hard to believe would have been used at those times - however this is not something I have any knowledge of and is really a minor issue.

Overall I found this book a fabulous read. I was a tad dubious when accepting it simply because it's Biblical fiction - I read alot of Historical fiction but this is my first Biblical fiction.
I would easily give this book 4.5 out of 5, would definitely recommend it and would happily read more from this author.